Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Initial Questionnaire Demands Response

I have to apologize in advanced for my lack of interesting writing throughout this journey.  As a teacher (and I'm a MATH teacher) whenever I would have my students write (yes, we did do this) there were some students who could really pull my interest and I loved to read their papers.  Unfortunately, I did not refine this skill.  So, if I tend to be factual and a little uninteresting at times, you will understand it's my number side coming out.

Thankfully the wait from the adoption specialist didn't take long.  We sent in the Initial Questionnaire on May 13, 2013, the day after Mother's Day.  I e-mailed it to a lady I had been in contact with at the agency, she placed our Questionnaire in her supervisor's box and notified me that I would be receiving a call from the adoption specialist assigned to us, within a couple days.  A COUPLE DAYS?  I wanted them to call me right then!!  Ahh well, a little patience is always in order.

On May 14th while I was at work the adoption specialist assigned to us left me a message.  YES!!  She wanted to set up a time for her and her supervisor to come on the first home visit.  I seem to have a knack for trying to complicate things - Josh simply says "that will work" even if it's not the best time so after a little bit of phone/e-mail tag a time was set.

Friday, May 17th at 1:30 pm we will have our first home visit.  I'm not sure all the meeting will entail other than they will be finding out about us and we will learn what we need to do in order to adopt.

The Initial Questionnaire Question #1 poses "Please describe why you want to adopt or provide foster care."
Josh and I responded:
We would like to provide a safe, loving environment and family for a child/children who might otherwise not benefit from this type of situation.

Does that sound official enough? Why DO people want children?  To love, to laugh, to hold.  Ahhh, little one we so look forward to you being with us...

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